Each of our coaching services provides a framework to help individuals, teams and entire organisations reconnect with their best performance.
“The continual fine-tuning of self-awareness, self-regulation, and positive modelling on the part of leaders allows them to shape the behaviour of followers, resulting in followers’ successful and sustainable performance.”
Avolio and Gardner (2005)
We can all become disconnected from our best performance, losing sight of the passion that motivates us, our purpose in life and that of our organisation.
At Reconnect we believe leadership is the capacity to connect with other human beings in service of a shared goal. To effectively connect with other people we must first attend to our most important relationship: the one with ourselves.
Our psychodynamic coaching model is proven to help you uncover the ‘hard to reach’ issues that are getting in the way of your personal success, and that of your organisation. Helping you to see the connection between things and lead more strategically, we work to build empathic and resonant relationships with clients, asking the questions that will help you find your own solutions.
“When goals go, meaning goes. When meaning goes, purpose goes. When purpose goes, life goes dead in our hands.”
Carl G. Jung
At the end of a Reconnect with Purpose project you are left with a clear expression of your purpose: why you exist as an organisation.
You would have articulated a compelling vision for your future success, as well affirming what value you aim to create. This offer will also enable you to define the values that will guide how you will work and lead. We use an innovative design approach to help you make sense of your current context and envision a new reality.
Our systems-psychodynamic method helps you uncover unconscious issues that are getting in the way of you personal and organisational success. Creating the psychological safety necessary for creativity, we support you to explore normative questions like: Why do we exist? What do we do? And how do we do it?
“Van Maanen and Kunda (1989) concluded that management of organizational culture is, in fact, management of emotions.”
Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries
In any organisational change project the central challenge is always aligning the mindset and behaviours of people, with the vision for change.
This work is often neglected and the benefits missed, as executives focus on organisational structure, process changes and technology. With Reconnect as your Change Partner you’ll be able to develop your leadership to reflect the change in the system you’re aiming for. This means that at the end of the project, people behave in a way that supports your desired culture. Ultimately, we help you make change human.
Our approach is founded on a proven model of innovation to enable new thinking, as well as systems-psychodynamic coaching, to bring your ideas to life. We work with you as a Change Partner to set up a self-correcting cultural change process in your organisation, that gives you the ongoing capacity and capability to sustain transformational change over time.